Butsugen Butsumo/仏眼仏母

No. 694/3,333

Butsugen Butsumo/仏眼仏母

To enlightenment please open our eyes,
Mother of Buddhas, joyful, virtuous;
dearest Mother, please let us become wise
upon this earth and beneath these wide skies,
please let us open up to the joyous
and infinite beauty of truth, not lies.

For the world, great Mother, we pray for peace
and an end to all war and suffering.
May global enlightenment but increase,
that joy may spread like light and hope all bring.

Goddess, give us release.

Asphodel's Haven. https://www.asphodelshaven.com/glossary/view/butsugen_butsumo
Kosanji Kyoto. https://kyoto-kosanji.jp/en/treasure/03/

Music of Buddhist Sutra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az_zdvLqnYk&list=PLAEVdM-mF1hRlx1xoXHGkbPGGv7K440oz

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