Mixed Metonyms

Welcome to Mixed Metonyms! This blog replaces the offwhitepoet BlogSpot blog I’ve been using since 2014.

If you visited the Blogspot repository, then you can see the oldest unpublished material here also, but I’ve completed my transition to WordPress so there should be only new material here for the future.

Expect updates when my schedule permits. I work full-time but I am trying to return to writing more often.

Interested in seeing more frequent updates and new material? Become a patron! Patreon (link to my page here) permits you to become a monthly subscriber at multiple levels (and gives you access to unpublished material), while PayPal (link) and Square Cash (link) permit you to make one-time donations of any size whenever you want. Finally, my Amazon wishlist (link) includes art supplies and accessibility aids. Every scrap of support is appreciated!

One last thing – please inquire about commissions! I’m always interested in trying something new. Prices will vary according to required length of poetry, time writing, and skill level.