Bulon La Mogoaw

No. 692/3,333

Bulon La Mogoaw

One of the Two, Lady Moon,
in seventh heaven: a boon
for the people I request,
that they have good if not best.

War is on the horizon
again; let us lose no son
nor daughter to the machine
turning land to money, Queen.

Hunger comes on wings of white,
as stark as Your face is bright.
Let the people not starve, please,
no feasts but let us have ease.

Plague stalks, too, let us be free
of its depredations; see
us through the sickness and may
children and elders see day.

Death comes to us all in time,
but let it come past our prime,
take of beauty deep our fill,
as much as You, Goddess, will.

Praise to You, O supreme one,
until my time is all gone,
until I have no voice left,
and my mind no longer deft.

Casal, G. (1978). The T'boli Creation Myth and Religion. T'boli Art: in its Socio-Cultural Context, pp. 122–123
Aswang Project. https://www.aswangproject.com/tboli-deities-myths/

Tribal people playing musical instruments | T'boli, Philippines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKXyeXoQLRA
Tribal sounds of the Philippines • T'BOLI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0DU3zvo_JA

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