Behmata/Beh Mata

No. 708/3,333

Behmata/Beh Mata

The Goddess of fate, She sat there by the sea
twisting the ropes that bind together, marry
two people for life and love and happiness,
or for a time, for convenience, for money:
reasons for marriage are more than one can guess.

Once together bound, She tossed them to ride free
to their future on the waves where sank many
marriages doomed, some more quickly and some less,
like any life, short, brutal, and unhappy,
full of conflict, abuse, despair, and distress.

But floated longest those marriages happy,
where each gives to the other always freely,
where there is no contempt, attempt to possess,
nor resentment, but forgiveness and mercy;
may She our brief lives but a fraction so bless.

Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines.

Classical Music North India Raga Suhakanara.

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