Bugady Mušun

No. 704/3,333

Bugady Mušun

Mother of animals, we need Your aid!
We worship You at the rock like reindeer,
we know our prayers there said You can hear.

How many innocents must they have slayed?
They wish to destroy all life, this is clear.
Mother of animals, we need Your aid!
We worship You at the rock like reindeer.

There is now blood and death where children played;
where once was laughter, now the killer's sneer;
where there was love, now only hate and fear.
Mother of animals, we need Your aid!
We worship You at the rock like reindeer,
we know our prayers there said You can hear.

Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Encyclopedia_of_Goddesses_and_Heroines/izVJAwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

Evenki Music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rY6KF5leII&list=PLnOSH5j1sQh8WrRXECPqu4mYQB5xBm_C3

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