
No. 675/3,333


Greetings to the little Sister here,
like a good neighbor to the home field
we offer meat and fish, tarasun.

Here is the horse meat and two salmon,
nine pots of mare's milk whiskey for You,
as is Your right and Your privilege.

We invoke You, small ermine Goddess
and Your Sister, to protect and heal
us of our sicknesses and disease.

A Journey in Southern Siberia. https://sacred-texts.com/asia/jss/jss14.htm

Mongolian Traditional longsong Radio. https://www.pandora.com/artist/ganbaatar-khongorzul/silk-road-journeys-when-strangers-meet/mongolian-traditional-longsong/
Kharemnai: Buryat Songs From Ust​-​Orda Area / Irkutsk Region. https://www.pandora.com/artist/zhargal-ensemble-of-kharety-village/kharemnai-buryat-songs-from-ust-orda-area-irkutsk-region/

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