Bilig-un cinadu kijaghar-a kuruksen/Prajnaparamita/Prajñāpāramitā Devi/S’es-rab-pha-rol-tu/Buddhamātṛ/Sher phyin ma/Yum chen mo

No. 649/3,333

Bilig-un cinadu kijaghar-a kuruksen/Prajnaparamita/Prajñāpāramitā Devi/S'es-rab-pha-rol-tu/Buddhamātṛ/Sher phyin ma/Yum chen mo

The Mother of Buddhahood, transcendent knowledge:
all phenomena are illusory, unborn.

Transcendant wisdom, Mother, from whom do all fledge,
each bodhisattva is to Thy teachings thus sworn.

Never does She come into or out of being;
She is the Word divine, true doctrine, we must learn.

One must become enlightened for education.
To see illusion is to reach understanding.

Living under the veil of this world is to yearn,
yet this will not turn the wheel of revelation.

Encyclopedia Mythica.
Wisdom Library.

Traditional Mongolian Music Playlist | Matouqin, Morin khuur (Violin),Tsuur (Flute), Yatga (Zither).

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