
No. 559/3,000


The Gothic Princess would not wed; the tower
She chose and filled with serpents, but the suitor
climbed and fought off all obstacles, so She fled.
Dressed as a man, She swore that She'd never bed
nor wed anyone; Her shieldmaidens with Her,
She ran away to seek Her fortune instead.

The Gothic Princess and Her maids left the shore
aboard a stolen ship - pirates, they'd conquer
and surpass in wealth and reputation dread;
the Gothic Pirate Princess, Her fame would spread
until it reached at last Her would-be lover
and Her notorious courage turn'd his head.

The Gothic Pirate Princess he sought once more:
he sailed the cold north seas in search of Her.
Unknowing, She attacked his ship, Her maids led
to fight fiercely, and when they were nearly dead
and She could no longer take the fate in store,
the Gothic Pirate Queen thus finally wed.

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