Banshee/Bean Sí/Ben Síde/Bean-síghe

No. 720/3,333

Banshee/Bean Sí/Ben Síde/Bean-síghe

She wails, the Banshee, a guarantee
dead be; foresaid, the grief overhead
thee descends. Family devotee
said nought but keened the loss thoroughbred.

Wild screaming, Her mourning undefiled
by aught, pure sorrow to reify.
Mild in death, are we not reconciled?
Cry deep, lest thy mourning ossify.

Bemoan the dead, do it openly;
lay down your sorrow, let yesterday
free flow and foresee that filigree
play - death, lest our life we overstay.

Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines.

Irish Folk Instrumental.

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